Sounds a bit ridiculous, but from the perspective of someone who is over at the other end of these patrons one would come to appreciate it's that necessary to have such guidelines being enforced.
And therefore, I would name this set of guidelines as "Commandment of the Patrons"
- Thou shall be clear and precise of what you're ordering.
- Thou shall not add on a few more orders after being served (especially when at busy period).
- Thou shall not to be offended when being asked to repeat your orders.
- Thou shall place your order when thou are absolutely sure that thou are being attended to.
- Thou shall not take advantage of those hawker just because thou are a regular patron.
- Thou shall be ashamed of thou self when thou ask for a refill of any kind when thou are about to finish thou meal (especially those well-off).
- Thou shall not fight with thou follow patrons over who shall pay for the meal when serve at thou table.
- Thou shall be prepared (if possible) to come up with loose changes when paying up.
- Thou shall not place on your order from afar (not all are superhuman to make out what thou order from a distance).
- Thou shall be grateful that you are being served when thou are lucky not to serve.
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POhui, I have something to add